The first time I started blogging, I was so happy for at last I have this medium where I can express my feelings and my love for writing. The day my daughter introduced me to Blogger, I felt so ecstatic as I met friends along the way. Surely, my intention was to gain friends too.
I was proud and happy when I was chosen to be one of the contestants for Test Drive A Mac as sponsored by Apple Asia. As it was a sort of popularity contest, I just took the fourth prize. But I was contented with that. Though in my heart, I should have won an iMac if only I solicited votes from my friends.
I was honoured when a blogger friend invited me to be part of her community. I did accept her invitation and so I left Blogger and shifted house. In that house I met more friends.
A blogger friend who is a journalist for a Philippine newspaper featured me in her column. Of course, I was so thankful.
But then something happened along the way when I post something about my being upset for the caption published in a local newspaper here. People came to comment and there was this person who suggested about a revolution. I answered back that we should stop from there. They should be sensitive where I live. I don't give a negative concept on the word revolution but I am not the person to discuss it whether it is cultural revolution or what they may have. And for me Singapore, whatever they may say, is still the best country in the world. I am just careful of what I am writing. But this person tagged me and discuss in his entry of what is wrong with that hated word. Another person commented which I answered that she perceived as malicious. What was so malicious with what I wrote when it was just a general concept? She wrote an entry on her blog that obviously pointed at me.
Am I too sensitive? Maybe but, I was really hurt as I considered that person a good friend whom I have high regard not only for the way she write but with her being highly educated and she chose me to be one of her first friends in the blogosphere.
Now, what really makes me so uncomfortable is that I could not access my site. My email haven't been answered.
Wahh! I really don't know what is happening with my blogging life.
I looked at my aquarium and I saw this goldfish. I am positive that she is happy with her life. Why should I not be happy like her?
Though uncomfortable, I think I should try to be comfortable with this site of mine. Yes, I must think positive. I must say, thank you goldfish! You opened my eyes.....

I agree with you. Some people tend to be the "know all" in the blogosphere and some seem to be insensitive in their comments. You could not access your site? hahaha!! how pathetic that person had already blocked you, right? Based on my experience, it will be best that you just carry on blogging in your blogspot. No fear of being censored. You are the king of your own site. Ban/delete comments of people you don't like. That easy. cheer up! :)
a reader
p.s. nice aquarium. ;-)
my friend!!!!! welcome back to blogging!!! miss you naaaaa!!! my goodness grey shoes!! mukhang maintriga ang kabanata ng iyong blogging! nawawala nga ang blog mo dun sa isa? my gulay! ok na yan! dito ka na lang sa blogspot mo. wala ka pang aalalahanin sa mga posts mo.
nice to see you again.
*thank you anonymous reader. iappreciate your visit and comment.
*kiwipinay, thank you friend!
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