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Over there in Borders in KL, I bought two books. One of those is this book by Dawn Annandale titled Call Me Elizabeth, wife, mother, escort, a true story."Insourmountable debts. A marriage on the verge of meltdown. Children going without the bare essentials. And no family to turn to for help. In these circumstances, Dawn Annandale answered the job advertisement that would change her life." This caught my eye that made me decide to buy the book.Is it worth it? Depends on how you look at life and how you understand women and mothers.The author wrote in a way that seems to ask the readers to understand her situation and look at prostitution in a positive way. Yes, she had difficult situations and rationalized her "career" for the love of her children. Who am I to judge if a thing done was made out of love for children? But then prostitution is still a sin. We should consider our body as sacred for it is a sacred creation of God. Between God's wish and love for children, which one is more dominant? Ahhh, this is painful. I don't know.... But for sure, I will look on other ways how to express my love to my children. Material things, whether necessities in life, is secondary for me. Sorry, I have decided. Prostitution, even though done for the holiest of motives, is not an acceptable answer to life's problems. As said by me, a wife, a mother, a grandmother all rolled into one.
I was once asked how my born country's prominent schools' graduates are viewed in my country of residence. In good faith, I answered the truth on how local people look on us, on our level of education.After nights of denial that there was nothing wrong with my answer, I could say now that I should have not answered that question. I should have answered that she must come and see for herself how. Or I should have added that it was that way, but then after you have proven your worth, they will look highly of you. Even though I highlighted on my answer that they view us that way but then one's personality counts the most for me, would still put me in a bad light. Why I did not added that it took me much effort and pain to show the good side of the Philippines? And that in my own ways I was able to change their mindset?I am not perfect really. I'm not.... Why I am writing this only now? For I am sure that if somebody will show me my own answer to that question, I will also say "yabang naman nyan!!!"Forgive me, forgive me folks!!!
This is my colleague Elizabeth taken when she was demonstrating to us how to make moon cakes.Two weeks ago she went on vacation to Genting in Malaysia with her husband and kids. When she went back, she brought pendants and bracelets. She asked us to choose one item, either bracelet or pendant.I chose this bracelet. It was described as a lucky bracelet because of the crystals. For me to be lucky as written in the instruction which was in Chinese characters but translated to me by Elizabeth, I need to wash the bracelet with warm water so as to wash away the negative elements. Then I have to place it inside the freezer for five hours. After that, I have to dry it with clean cloth. Once I wear it, the positive aura in me will come out and spread towards the people around me that they will like me and I will be lucky in many things. Of course I did everything as per instruction.
And now, I am still wearing it. I am waiting for Lady Luck to come. Who knows, one of these days, I'll win the lottery or toto here in Singapore.
Kidding aside, I like this bracelet of mine. That is why I am wearing it. I like the colour green, cream and dark green crystals.
Today is a public holiday here in Singapore. Deepavali or the festival of light is celebrated by the Indian community here. My Indian friends like Shoda or Antie Sellam are of course celebrating. 
I am interested with this celebration, even though I am a Filipino, not because I also discuss this celebration to my children in the centre as they need to be aware of the different celebrations of people from other races, but because when this day comes, the memories of my first Indian friend come to my mind.
It was in 1992 when I met Shanti. The first time I saw her beautiful face, I then realized that Indian women are indeed captivating. The saree she was wearing then projected an elegant woman. I am used to see Indian girls before, as I had classmates in St Paul who were pure Indians, and from there my prejudices on them were formed. But Shanti was different. She changed my perception of their people.
Shanti invited me to celebrate Deepavali with her husband and son. I then experienced my first Deepavali in Singapore.
Over the years, I met Indian friends. And I could say that there are many things we can learn from their culture that can enhance our day to day living. Why not take a while and read what Deepavali is all about.Deepavali is the most important Hindu Festival, signifying the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. It ushers in the New Year for Hindus and is celebrated all over Singapore for six weeks.
Deepavali (also known as Diwali) traditionally falls in the second half of the month of Asvina, the seventh month of the Hindu calendar. During the festival Hindu homes are brightly lit with oil lamps to usher in brightness, good fortune and divine blessings. It's a time of rejoicing as people go to the temple in their best clothes and visit friends and relatives to receive their blessings. During Deepavali, it is believed that the souls of the departed return to earth, and so lamps are lit to guide them. Light also symbolises goodness, success and other attributes that may be bestowed by the Goddess Lakshmi, consort of Lord Vishnu. The festival celebrates the legendary slaying of the oppressive Narakasura by Lord Krishna, which in turn reconfirms the inherent nature of goodness and its ability to triumph over evil. For this reason it is both a happy time and a magical one. If you are visiting temples during the festival, as at any time, it is important that you dress appropriately and remove your shoes at the door.*from